Behold, I am she who shines above, Selene, Luna, Moon. I bring light and love to all who attend. Attend my words, for they are the words of elder and youth, the words formed on the very breath with which the first mother kissed her child. Listen, and be one.

Harm none I have told you, and well you have done in holding by it, but I charge you further to Harm not, not yourself, nor the air, nor that which you can live without harming. Behold, before the all mother all things are equal, and all things have purpose. Know harm, know purpose. Why cut down a tree when you could tread on the grass, why tread on the grass when you could walk on the sand? Why pick the finest apple on the branch when fresh windfall is delivered into your lap?

For I am the mother of all, she who breathes purpose into each creature's mouth as they are born. Behold, I am the breath of life, and I can be the agent of death, for purpose is two sided, and those that destroy in the name of creation shall be punished as they punish. I am She who is the hand of death, and I take from the dying their purpose that they pass within unbound into the realms of shadow. I am the light within Shadow.

Respect those that went before but do not try to remake the past. All is a cycle, and we are within the infancy of the great life that is the life of the Wicca. Thousands of years will pass, Wicca will grow and change and falter and stumble, but the last breath is the first breath, and at its darkest moment Wicca will be born anew once more.

Grow! I charge you, do not age behind walls against the world, you are the children of the Moon, Shine!

Learn! I charge you, do not sit on what you know in the hopes that it will hatch like an egg. Reap, but sow and reap again. Create!

Love! As I love, without secrets or threats, do what is right, for no love is evil. Do no evil in love, and love all as you love yourself, for we do not harm what we truly love save when harm is unstoppable. Harm none!

Be! Let the shackles fall, you are free and you can do all! As the being grows, so the Will shines! As you learn, so your Will creates, as you love, your Will cannot harm. As you Be, so you Are!

I am you, we are one, your breath carries the same purpose as mine, if hidden to you! Breathe and know that creation is yours! Love all, Know purpose and Harm none, Live life full of wonder, joy, and know that light is always there, even if hidden within the shadows.

Author Unknown