Candle Colors

Opens up the deeper levels of the unconscious, use in rituals to induce a deep meditational state, or to banish negativity, binding rituals, shapeshifting, protection, attracts Saturn energy.

Primary Spiritual color, for rituals to obtain wisdom, harmony, inner light, or peace, good fortune, protection, calm, reassurance, opening blocked communication, creativity, confers truth and guidance, Element of Water.

Light Blue:
Spiritual color, helpful in devotional or inspirational meditations, brings peace and tranquility to the home, radiates Aquarius energy, employ where a situation must be synthesized.

Royal Blue:
Promotes laughter and jovility, color of loyalty, use to attract jupiter energy or whenever an influence needs to be increased.

Earthly, balanced color, for rituals of material increase, eliminates indecisiveness, improves powers of concentration, study, telepathy, increases financial success, locates objects that have been lost, influences friendships, special favors.

Fosters understanding, promotes winning, safety, and power of the Male, happiness, playful humor, attracts the powers of cosmic influences, beneficial in rituals intended to bring about fast luck or money, or in rituals needing solar energy, the God.

Promotes prosperity, abundance, fertility, success, stimulates rituals for good luck, money, harmony, healing, and rejuvination, Earth Mother, Element of Earth

Dark Green:
Color of ambition, greed, and jealousy, counteracts these influences in a ritual.

Emerald Green:
Important component in venusion rituals, attracts love, social delights, and fertility.

Neutral color, useful when pondering complex issues, during meditation, in magick, this color often sparks confusion, it also negates or neutralizes negative influences.

Color of inertia, stops situations or people, use in rituals that require a deep meditational state, or in rituals that demand saturn energy.

Energizes rituals where an immediate action and high levels of power or spiritual healing are required.

Ambition, career goals, the law, business deals, property deals, legal matters, justice, selling, action.

Promotes romance, love, peace, caring, nurturing, affection, friendship, standard color for rituals to draw affections, a color of feminity, honor, service, healing of emotions.

Power, success, material wealth, idealism, psychic manifestations, ideals for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, self assurance, hidden knowledge, third eye,psychic ability, financial rewards, or to make contact with the spiritual other world, increase neptune energy.

Health, energy, sexual potency, passion, love, fertility, strength, courage, will power, career goals, fast action, lust, driving force, survival, vibrancy, increase magnetism in rituals, draws aries and scorpio energy, Blood of the Moon, Element of Fire.

Clairvoyance, inspiration, intuition, telepathy, female power, communication, dreams, astral energy and intuition, removes negativity and encourages stability, helps develope psychic abilities, the Goddess.

A balance of all colors, spiritual enlightenment, cleansing, clairvoyance, healing, truth seeking, peace, virginity, purity, rituals involving lunar energy, the Goddess, may be substituted for any color candle.

Activity, creativity, intellectualism, memory, unity, brings power of concetration and imagination to a ritual, use in rituals if you wish to gain others confidence or persuade someone, or in rituals that require solar energy, the God.

Passion, money goals, professional growth, fertility in business, career manuevers.

by Dana (Huntress of the Dark)