Inner Temple Meditation

Take several times this moon cycle to either stay up late or wake up very early, when the world is quiet. Create a special altar that you can work with during this time. Your altar can represent your inner temple. Place objects on it that nourish you and remind your of your connection to Spirit.

Get your blankets and slippers and sit at your altar, wrapped in warmth. Sit first in the darkness and silence. Listen deeply. You'll need to sit long enough to go beneath the words and planning of the mind. Invite yourself to drop into silence. Breathe into the belly and keep your awareness low in your body. Once you tap into your own inner silence, begin to listen for a song, a message, a whisper. What does your Spirit need at this time? Is there anything that needs to be realigned in your temple? What steps can you take to remodel your inner sanctuary?

Visualize yourself as a temple, and notice if you feel cluttered or stagnant, or clear and open. Do some temple housecleaning! Imagine create space and silence in your own temple. You might find you want to move or chant or sink deeper into silence. Listen and act. When you are ready, open your eyes and honor the darkness around you. Then write any images or actions that came to you, and make sure you honor them!

Author Unknown