Renewal Meditation

I believe this one was written as a Spring renewal exorcise but it can be used anytime...

While standing or sitting, lengthen your spine without holding it rigidly. Consider your head a balloon held to Earth by a string. It gently rises upwards as far as it can without strain. The neck lengthens. The upper back is also a balloon, gently yearning upwards.

Gently, turn your head to the right. Turn it back to center. Then to the left. And back to center. Do this again, and see a line of light drawn and reinforced by the turning of your head.

What color is this light?

See it gleaming in front of your face, giving your face energy. How does this energy interact with your Brow Chakra--the energy vortex at the level of your forehead?

Gently massage the base of your skull, your jaw, temples, sinus areas, over your eyebrows. Rub your hands and cup them over your eyes. Slowly, circle your head first one way then the other. Do not strain, particularly when you revolve your head backwards. Now do this again, seeing a circle of light--what color?-- circling your head, giving your head energy. [For now, simply learn this technique. In the future, you can pre-determine the color and quality of energy you'd like to envision and absorb.]

Extend your arms in front of you. Spread your fingers upward. Hold them tense, feeling the stretch in your palms. Release the fingers downward. Do this a few more times, then release your arms. Cup your palms and bring them towards each other, slowly moving them outward again, then inward, feeling a build-up of energy.

What image do you see in your palms? What are you creating? Raise first one hand and then the other in the air above your head as if you were plucking fruit from a tree. Or perhaps there is something else for which you reach. Use breath to help you gently increase your stretch.

Do a few shoulder shrugs and rolls. Inhale as you raise your shoulders to your ears. Exhale as you drop your shoulders into place. Do this a few more times. Using your right hand, gently rub your left shoulder. Rub your right shoulder with your left hand. See the tension dissolving and being flushed away. Roll your shoulders forward and backward, loosening tension. Rub your neck.

Your upper back and shoulders are an expanse of soft fabric. An angel slowly and gently smoothes this fabric outward from the middle. See all the bunches and wrinkles in the fabric smoothing out. Experience the expansion of your upper back.

Release any tension in your upper back and shoulders. See it gently flowing away. Your upper back and shoulders are now available for energy. What is the nature of the energy that now flows through these areas? Do a few waist-twists, preferably standing. Loosen up the spine by twisting the torso side to side. Inhale. Twist to right. Exhale. Return to center. Inhale. Twist to left. Exhale. Return to center. Repeat this sequence a few more times.

Bring your attention to your breathing. Locate your breathing. Where is it in the body? Observe its rhythm. What is it telling you? Do not judge. Simply observe and listen. Inflate and deflate the balloon of your breathing. How much air can you expell comfortably? How much air can you take in comfortably?

Standing, bring attention to your center of gravity, low in the body. Standing with legs about 1-1/2 feet apart, let your knees bend slightly, spongey knees, not locked in place. Feel the full weight of your body resting on the secure base formed by your feet. Rock gently side to side atop this secure base, then come to center. Be aware of the potential for aliveness and comfort in your body atop this secure base.

Receive energy rising from the earth below you. Draw it up through both feet at once or through the left foot, circling it through the body and then down through the right foot to return to the Earth. What is the nature of this energy? What is its color, speed of flow, temperature, texture, feeling quality?

Find a sense of groundedness. What does it take to help you feel grounded?

Kundalini energy resides at the base of your spine, coiled like a great snake. Sense that snake at the base of your spine, something beginning to come alive in your back. Let the small movements of the snake begin to inch upward. Small, at first barely perceptible movements. Let them become a little larger and still larger. Then, let them recede again, becoming more and more subtle until there is just the essence of snake-like movement here. Bring this essence to mind often when you need energy. Bring the energy from the earth and the lower chakras (energy centers) up through the body and through the upper chakras. How do you imagine this energy can be useful in your daily life?

Take time now to relax and reflect. Whenever you do this renewal meditation, remember to journal your images and insights as your body and Expanded Self take this opportunity to speak to you.

(c)2001, Eva Yaa Asantewaa