The Pilgrim's Path: A Guided Meditation

Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and feel your body relax... Breathe in and out and in and out and in and out As you continue to breathe deeply your body continues to relax all cares and struggles simply melt away You are at peace within yourself

More than at peace You are peace And now you are free to travel with the sound of my voice to a most sacred place


Your journey to Brigid's Well begins in the Market Square of Kildare, Ireland beneath the protection and guardianship of St. Brigid's Cathedral. It is a cool Irish morning and Winter's chill still hangs thickly in the air. Before you burns a brilliant fire within the bowl of a large iron cauldron. Take a moment to contemplate the flame. This is Brighid's Fire, an ancient tradition that reaches back thousands of years. As you connect with the flame before you, feel it burning within your heart, illuminating your life.


The element of fire, fire without and fire within, can call us to experience the power and presence of God. It calls us to reconnect with the fire at a deep and ancient part of our being where we are all interconnected with each other and all life. It calls us to allow our hardened hearts to melt.


With Brighid's Fire burning in your heart, you begin your journey to the well, surrounded by the cool mists that separate this world from the next, the mists that veil the secrets and magic of the Divine. As you walk through the countryside past farm fields and grazing sheep, take the time to contemplate nature and life, to feel the interconnectedness that was kindled by the flame.


The pilgrim may be brought beyond anything experienced before and this may have a profound and deeply joyful effect. Little things, seemingly unimportant moments, may become deeply significant. The pilgrim is invited to open his or her eyes, his or her ears, and who knows what may be seen or heard and what it may come to mean?


Contemplation invites the Divine to clear the mists that surround us, to lift the veil so that we may know the secrets and experience the magic ourselves. As you continue on your journey, you become one with all that surrounds you, and you feel a change in yourself. You realize that though the mists still surround you, the veil has lifted. Here, in the presence of the Divine, you are awakened and enlightened and you know that YOU are the secrets and the magic.


Pilgrimage involves risk, possibility and invitation. It invites change. The risk is partly the possibility that the pilgrim will not return as the same person who set out. 7 There is also the possibility of surprise and wonder, of great joy... and the changes that this experience can bring.


Your journey thus far has carried you deep into yourself and has led you into the presence of the Divine. Not quite weary but needing a moment of rest, you arrive at the first of Brigid's Wells. This is Brigid's Wayside Well. In ancient tradition, you circle the well three times, moving sunwise, always sunwise, then cup your hands to take a drink. The water is cool and refreshing and it renews your body as well as your Spirit. You notice that the well is surrounded by the offerings of those who have come before you. Perhaps you have an offering you would like to leave here.


In pre-Christian times, wells were associated with the presence of a goddess and were seen as the entrance to the womb of mother earth, the source of life. The wayside well is a spring well. To watch water gently springing from the earth is to witness creation in an act of unconditional generosity. This holy well can be a symbol of the source of life within, from which spring hope and dreams.


Refreshed by the wayside well, you continue your journey by turning off the main road to walk down a quiet country lane. Yet another turn leads you down a still more rural road at the end of which you find the entrance to Brigid's Well and Prayer Stones. To enter, you must cross a bridge that spans a small stream. You are standing at a threshold.


Pause before you enter this sacred place. Look around at all you can see. Listen to the sounds around you. While crossing the bridge, reflect on what bridges are needed in your life.


In crossing the bridge, you have the opportunity to cross the threshold into Brighid's home. If you choose to perceive Her, She is present in everything here. Before you lies a trough spanned by a stone arch. Carved into the stone at the top of the arch is the symbol of the cross. Beneath the arch are two stones through which pour the waters that spring from the well. A mother's breasts feed her children with nourishing milk. Are these, then, the breasts of the Goddess, pouring forth Her own nourishing milk?


Holy Ground. We're standing on Holy Ground. For the Lady is present, and where She's present is Holy.


Beyond the trough lie five prayer stones that lead to the well. It is customary to stop at each stone and contemplate an aspect of Brighid.


As you approach the first standing stone, dedicated to Brigid: A Woman of the Land, you follow the ancient tradition and circle the stone seven times, moving sunwise, always sunwise. Each turn spirals your being deeper into union with the quality of this stone. You lay your hands upon the stone and breathe deeply, fully uniting with this aspect of Brighid. You feel the presence of the Woman of the Land deep within yourself and know that it is now a part of you.


The earth is at the same time mother, she is mother of all that is natural, mother of all that is human, she is mother of all, for contained in her are the seeds of all.


As the earth calls you to awaken, you ask yourself these questions. "How awake am I?" "Am I accepting my responsibility to protect and care for the earth?" We are all sisters and brothers sharing the same planet. We breathe the same air. We drink from the same well. Our tears are all the same.


As you leave each stone it is customary to say "A Bhríd, guí orainn (a Breed, gwee O-rihn) - Brigid, pray for us."


You move on to the second stone, dedicated to Brigid: The Peacemaker. Again you follow the ancient tradition and circle the stone seven times, moving sunwise, always sunwise. Each turn spirals your being deeper into union with the quality of this stone. You lay your hands upon the stone and breathe deeply, fully uniting with this aspect of Brighid. You feel the presence of the Peacemaker deep within yourself and know that it is now a part of you.


Brigid, you were a woman of peace. You brought harmony where there was conflict. You brought light into the darkness. You brought hope to the downcast. May the mantle of your peace cover those who are troubled and anxious and may peace be firmly rooted in our hearts and in our world. Inspire us to act justly and to reverence all God has made. Brigid, you were a voice for the wounded and the weary. Strengthen what is weak within us. Calm us into a quietness that heals and listens. May we grow each day into greater wholeness in mind, body, and spirit.


Brigid's life and simple gestures remind us that the raw materials for peace-making are all around us, in our hearts and in our relationships with others. The road to peace lies in the heart, when searching for justice; it lies in relationships, when there is a refusal to dominate and manipulate; it truly lies in a readiness to forgive. A Bhríd, guí orainn (a Breed, gwee O-rihn).


You know that it's time to move on to the third standing stone. This stone is dedicated to Brigid: Friend of the Poor. Yet again you follow the ancient tradition and circle the stone seven times, moving sunwise, always sunwise. Each turn spirals your being deeper into union with the quality of this stone. You lay your hands upon the stone and breathe deeply, fully uniting with this aspect of Brighid. You feel the presence of the Friend of the Poor deep within yourself and know that it is now a part of you.


One day when Brigid was on a long journey, she stopped by the wayside. A wealthy lady, on hearing that Brigid was in the neighborhood, brought her a beautiful basket of choice apples. No sooner had the gift been presented than a group of poor people came by and begged for food. Without hesitation, Brigid distributed to them the choice apples. The donor was utterly disgusted and said to Brigid, "I brought those apple for you, not for them." And Brigid's reply was "What's mine is theirs."


Are we prepared to share the "extra apples" in our lives, so that our sisters and brothers, who live in desperate poverty, can begin to live life with basic dignity? A Bhríd, guí orainn (a Breed, gwee O-rihn).


You now leave the third stone and move on to the fourth. This stone is dedicated to Brigid: The Hearthwoman. Again you follow the ancient tradition and circle the stone seven times, moving sunwise, always sunwise. Each turn spirals your being deeper into union with the quality of this stone. You lay your hands upon the stone and breathe deeply, fully uniting with this aspect of Brighid. You feel the presence of the Hearthwoman deep within yourself and know that it is now a part of you.


Irish hospitality is an age-old tradition and the whole idea of hospitality as an expression of love is central to Brigid. To welcome a stranger to your fireside is to follow the example of Brigid, who had a welcome for all and made the Abbey a safe place of refuge and sanctuary.


Is there room in your heart? Is there room next to your hearth for a stranger? A Bhríd, guí orainn (a Breed, gwee O-rihn).


Finally you move on to the fifth stone, dedicated to Brigid: Woman of Contemplation. You follow the ancient tradition and circle the stone seven times, moving sunwise, always sunwise. Each turn spirals your being deeper into union with the quality of this stone. You lay your hands upon the stone and breathe deeply, fully uniting with this aspect of Brighid. You feel the presence of the Woman of Contemplation deep within yourself and know that it is now a part of you.


Celtic spirituality has a deep sense of the mystery and presence of God in everything and everyone. It fosters a contemplative approach to all creation. This stone allows for a quiet space to remember, to awaken, to contemplate and begin to integrate the pilgrim experience so that it can reveal its meaning.


Everything that happens is an act of sowing, a seed of experience. It is equally important to be able to harvest that experience. A Bhríd, guí orainn (a Breed, gwee O-rihn).


Having completed the five stations at the prayer stones, you take the final steps to Brigid's Round Well. As before, you circle the well three times, still moving sunwise, always sunwise. You kneel before the well with reverence. Why have you come here?


You look into the mirror that is the water's surface. What would you like to release from your life, to have the cool clear waters of the well wash away? What would you like to bring to your life, to have the nourishing waters of the well fill you with? Take as much time here as you feel you need. If you wish to drink, drink. If you wish to anoint yourself, do so. Perhaps you would like to leave an offering - either floating on the water or standing on the stone wall.


We gather around the well. Water has always been a symbol of life and healing. Wells were traditionally healing places for many ills. It was customary to leave something at the well. You may wish to leave a worry here, or a fear, or perhaps, a positive thought.


Your journey to Brigid's Well has led you down several paths. It is hoped that your journey has opened your mind to alternate perspectives. Perhaps this blessed Saint has shown you the Goddess. Or is it that the gracious Goddess has introduced you to the Saint? To understand that their nature is one is to understand the complex simplicity of the Divine. As you turn to leave, you notice the carving on the backside of the arch that spans the stone trough. Wasn't the carving a cross on the front side? Here you see the pre-Christian solar symbol of Brigid's Cross. Christian and Pagan, two sides to the same coin. Spirit is Spirit, no matter what form it manifests in.


You have walked in Brigid's footsteps. May her spirit walk with you, nourishing and enriching you on each step of your journey through life. May a spark from Brigid's flame light up your pathway into the future.


It's time to return from our journey to Ireland, time to return to our bodies, time to return to the here and now. Breathe deeply and say farewell to your visions. In a moment, we're going to open our eyes and awaken, fully and completely, feeling refreshed and renewed. Return now to your body. Feel the presence of your body - your head, neck, and shoulders, your torso, your arms and hands, your legs and feet. Feel the contact your body makes with the ground. Feel how the ground supports the weight of your body. When you are ready, open your eyes and awaken, refreshed and renewed.

by Gwen Dwyer