Another Underworld Journey


I jumped into the water falls and came out on a hillside, I saw a path leading to a small cottage in this wide open space, so I went to the door and stood there for a second and a woman appeared. In the back of the cottage I saw Jaqueline sleeping and then that faded to darkness and I saw Arthur's eyes, then his head silohetted against the darkness.

Then I was jumping down into a golf hole, the tunnel was made of dirt. I came out onto a grassy ledge, looking out over a waterfall and in the cave behind the waterfall was Arthur and then I didn't see anything else because I was back at the falls that I had jumped into in the beginning, I wanted to go back but everytime I tried to, I ended back at the falls, so I guess that was all I was supposed to see.

© Dana (Huntress of the Dark)