Never Ending

-A Goddess Cycle Myth

As I see it the Goddess is within everything and can be everywhere and anywhere at once. The Goddess can also take on the three forms that she is commonly known by The Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone all at once. This may seem confusing at the moment but as you shall see it will make sense after the telling of my Myth about the Goddess Diana. In this Myth she is known by myself as the Enchantress (Maiden), the Protectress (Mother), and the Huntress (Crone).

As the Enchanchress grows into a young woman her curiostity in the male sex grows. She explores young mens dreams and shows them ecstasy in the dream world. She teases them and explores her curiousity. One night while invading the dreams of young men she happens upon her long time friend and gazes upon him in a new light. Out of an even greater curiousity the young Goddess invades her friends dreams while he is asleep beneath an oak tree. Upon entering his dream she realises that her friend is not like all the other young men, he is different. In his dream world she finds that she is not able to control the dreams as she usually did. She looks around his dream world and sees him sitting under an apple tree, she walks over to him and sits with him. As the night grows older the young Goddess and God talk about the new feelings theyve each been exploring. The young God free to do as he pleases while the young Goddess is only able to tease and wonder what it would be like to actually be able to do it, to have sex. The young God sits there and listens to her wondering and gets an idea, this is his dream after all, he convinces the young Goddess to have sex with him, her best friend, who better than him. He tells her that it is only a dream and what harm could there be. So the God and Goddess enjoy each other in a more intimate way. As the dawn approaches the young Goddess feeling of friendshhip has grown closer to that of love. Each night the Goddess visits the young Gods dreams and their relationship grows. After a few nights of this the Goddess realises that something isn't quite right, and yet she knows not what is wrong.

Deep in the woods the Huntress emerges into a clearing. She looks at the bodies of the young Gods sleeping under an apple tree and knows immediately what is wrong with the young Goddess, she approaches on silent feet being sure not to awaken them. She reaches down and takes a fertilized egg from the young Goddess' womb, knowing that the young Goddess must always stay virginal. The Huntress then implants the fertilized egg into the womb of a female deer.

As time goes the young Goddess watches the animals in the forest grow and give birth, she also grows and protects these young animals, her ownself growing into that of the Protectress. The Protectress realises that something isn't quite right with one doe and continues to watch over her until she gives birth. As the doe gives birth the Protectress watches in amazement as a baby boy emerges from the deer, his small head topped with tiny little nubs, horns, his legs much like that of a billy goat. The Protectress realizes that this is her son and yet how can that be if he was birthed by a doe. It does not matter how he was birthed, he will be her son always and she will remain a Virgin Goddess always.

As the boy grows the Protectress watches over him, she watches him grow and make friends with a girl born of the earth. She watches him grow into a young God and watches his friendship with the young Enchantress grow and as they grow, so does she, from the Protectress into the Huntress, and as the Huntress, she turns to the dying body of her old friend and lover and knows that she must give him back to the earth so that he may be reborn again. As she gives him back to the earth she turns back to the young Goddess and God and takes the fertilized egg from the Goddess and implants it into a doe. She then herself returns to the earth leaving the Protectress to watch over the animals. And as the Huntress returns, the Enchantress is born yet again from the earth to grow.

As you can see the lives of the Goddess and the God are placed within a circle of life, death, and rebirth..

by Dana (Huntress of the Dark)