Discovery of My Were Sides

In some ways you can say my discovery started between the ages of 9 and 14.. i had a series of dreams that had the same basic structure.. I was in danger and something "bad" was chasing me.. though in these dreams i never saw myself shift or even saw what was chasing me.. all i remeber was the sence of danger and the ground and such beneath me as I fkew over it..

About 3 years ago I did some Shamanic Journey work to find my Power Animals.. the first one I found was a panther.. I merged with her and after that I found my wolf.. whom i merged with also..

I can go into details of those journeys to find my power animals.. but that can wait for a later time..

Anyways.. before we started the journey session we were instructed to bring out our power animal with us.. to learn about that animal.. to feed it what it liked.. to do things that the animal wanted.. this was all to get us in touch with our power animal.. in my case I brought forth both my animals.. the panther and the wolf.. my panther side is purely feminine.. sexual.. my wolf side.. *this might sound different but its a part of me*.. my wolf side is Alpha male.. teacher of the pack.. though both my animals are dominant.. my panther side is the most dominant right now and i belive that may have to do with my Awakening.. ok.. now back to the dreams.. I had a dream not to long ago.. bout a month ago actually.. I was hunting down my boyfriend.. because he was cheating on me.. and i wanted to find out why.. so I shifted into a hawk and flew to get to him.. *I actually got to see myself shift this time.. not to mention the feelings of the flight that went with it..* I'm not going to go into any more detail.. I believe that sums up things pretty well.. any questions?.. *grins*

© Dana (Huntress of the Dark)