Love Spell

Candle Oil for love:

1/2 tablespoon rose oil
1/2 tablespoon honeysuckle oil
1 1/2 tablespoons almond oil
1 1/2 teaspoons musk oil
1 - 2 brops benzoin tincture

Mix all ingredients in non-metal container. Use to dress candles. Store oil in air tight container.

As you annoint a red candle say:

Blessed be and merry meet
I bless this candle soon to greet
The one for whom my love was ment
and to this end, my will be bent.

Now light the candle saying:

Fire, Water, steam and spark,
Brigid's fire push back the dark,
Forge, anvil, well and spear,
Brigid's flame burn True and Clear.

Allow the candle to burn in or near a window in the light of the new moon.

Author Unknown